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नेशनल हाई स्पीड रेल कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड

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Rolling Stock Maintenance

An essential ingredient for successful running of a High Speed Railway is well-developed and advance maintenance system. For the maintenance of the high speed rolling stocks in MAHSR, there will be three (3) maintenance depots in MAHSR corridor. The depot will be located at Surat, Thane and Sabarmati.

Area wise, Surat Depot will be the smallest depot spreading across approx. 38 hectares. Then comes Thane Depot spreading across approx. 58 hectares and the biggest one is the Sabarmati Depot spreading across approx. 82 hectares.

It will be possible to do daily inspections, regular inspections and unscheduled maintenance of trains at Thane Depot and Surat Depot. In addition to daily & regular inspections and unscheduled maintenance of rolling stocks, Sabarmati depot will have the facilities for bogie and general overhauling as well.

All the three depots of MAHSR will have adequate provision of rain water harvesting system, waste water treatment system, use of ultra-efficient water fixtures, solar panels etc.

General Inspection Train (GIT)

The GIT will be used for measuring and inspecting the parameters of track, power supply, signalling and telecommunication system installed on MAHSR alignment. This will serve as input for required preventive maintenance to be done in track, power supply, signalling and telecommunication infrastructure.

GIT will be of 6 cars, and will be designed to operate at a maximum operational speed of 320 km/h.

The GIT will have dedicated measurement rooms for the installation of measuring equipment of track, power supply, signalling and telecommunication system. It shall also have meeting spaces with chairs and tables for measurement staff. The General Inspection Train shall include space for rescue equipment used for immediate restoration when derailment or similar incidents occurs.